[Academic Frontier] Sesebelisoa sa ho lemoha FungiXpert®Cryptococcus se ile sa hlahlojoa haholo ke Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Liphuputso tsa morao-rao tse entsoeng ka litsi tse ngata mabapi le ho fumanoa ha tšoaetso ea cryptococcal li entsoe ke Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Utrecht, Setsi sa Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics sa Univesithi ea Amsterdam, Setsi sa Westerdijk sa Mefuta-futa ea Likokoana-hloko tsa Fungu, le Matogro The Fungi Research Laboratory ea Federal University of Somalia le Júlio Muller University Hospital ea Federal University of Mato Grosso ka kopanelo li ile tsa qala le ho hatisa sehlooho se reng "Ho hlokomoloha liphatsa tsa lefutso" ho Journal of Clinical Microbiology ka January 2021. Mefuta e sa tšoaneng e sitisa ho hlahlojoa ka nako ea tšoaetso ea Cryptococcus "sehlooho.Sengoliloeng sena se bapisa lihlahisoa tse 'ne tsa ho bona khauta ea cryptococcal colloidal, le ho lekola ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo ea sehlahisoa ka seng bakeng sa mefuta e fapaneng ea li-cryptococcal ho latela pono ea mefuta-futa ea liphatsa tsa lefutso tsa Cryptococcus neoformans le Cryptococcus guttata.Fana ka motheo o sebetsang oa tlhahlobo e potlakileng ea bongaka ea Cryptococcus.


Mefuta e mene ea li-cryptococcal colloidal gold quick test reagents li ile tsa sebelisoa ho leka letoto la mefuta e fapaneng e bontšang mefuta-futa ea liphatsa tsa lefutso tsa cryptococcus, ho kenyeletsoa lihlahisoa tsa lik'hamphani tse 'nè le lihlahisoa tse kenyeletsang Tianjin FungiXpert® le IMMY Diagnostics ea United States.Mefuta e mashome a mane ea Cryptococcus ho kenyelletsa mefuta eohle e supileng e tsebahalang le mefuta e nyalisitsoeng ea eona e nyalisitsoeng e ile ea lekoa.

Sephetho sa lipatlisiso:
Liphetho tsa lipatlisiso li bonts'a hore FungiXpert® (Lets'oao la Genobio) le karete ea tlhahlobo ea khauta ea colloidal ea IMMY e ka lemoha Cryptococcus tsohle tse supileng tsa pathogenic.

Academic Frontier】Sehlahisoa sa ho lemoha ha FungiXpert®Cryptococcus se hlahlobiloe haholo ke Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Ha ho hlahlojoa lihlahisoa tse ling tse peli tsa khauta ea colloidal, mefuta e meng e kang C. bacillisporus, C. deuterogattii, le C. tetragattii, haholo-holo C. tetragattii, e atisa ho ba le liphello tse fosahetseng tsa bohata.Leha ho le joalo, tšoaetso ea C. tetragattii e tloaelehile Afrika e ka boroa ho Sahara le k'honthinenteng ea India, e nang le palo e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea batho ba nang le tšoaetso ea kokoana-hloko ea "cryptococcal meningitis" e amanang le HIV.Habohlokoa, 13-20% ea linyeoe tsa cryptococcal meningitis tse amanang le HIV li amana le C. tetragattii.

Ka lebaka la litlaleho tsa morao-rao tsa liphello tse fosahetseng tse fosahetseng litekong tsa cryptococcal Botswana le Uganda, bangoli ba ile ba etsa qeto ea hore C. tetragattii e ka 'na ea e-ba teng lisampoleng tsa lipatlisiso tsa kliniki ka liphello tsena tse fosahetseng tse fosahetseng.

Academic Frontier】Sehlahisoa sa ho lemoha ha FungiXpert®Cryptococcus se hlahlobiloe haholo ke Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Sephetho sa tlhahlobo:
Mongoli o fana ka maikutlo a hore ha ho thehoa kapa ho hlahloba mekhoa ea ho lemoha cryptococcal, lefu la seoa la lehae, semelo sa lefutso le mefuta-futa ea taxonomic li lokela ho nkoa.Cryptococcus ea pathogenic ha ea lokela ho lekanyetsoa ho sehlopha se le seng sa AD serotypes.Ha ho nahanoa ka mokhoa o ntlafalitsoeng oa mofuta oa "cryptococcal classification" moetsong oa sehlahisoa le netefatso ho ka fokotsa tahlehelo ea kutlo e bakoang ke mefokolo ea bohata.

Karete ea ho lemoha ea "cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide" (mokhoa oa khauta oa colloidal) e hlahisitsoeng le ho hlahisoa ke Genobio Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. e sebelisa mokhoa oa ho lemoha khauta ea colloidal, e ka khethollang ka katleho mefuta eohle ea mefuta ea cryptococcal.Opereishene e bonolo, 'me liphello li utloahala ebile lia sebetsa.Kamora ho bona liphetho tsa liteko li ka fumanoa kamora metsotso e 10!Fana ka motheo o tšepahalang haholoanyane oa tlhahlobo ea pele le e potlakileng ea Cryptococcus!
Mohloli oa Sengoloa:

Shi D, Haas PJ, Boekhout T, et al.Ho hlokomoloha mefuta-futa ea liphatsa tsa lefutso ho sitisa tlhahlobo e nakong ea mafu a Cryptococcus[J].Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2021.
Sehokelo sa sengoloa:


Nako ea poso: Jul-28-2021